Hey RenegadePkz,
I would like to introduce myself, my name is Deadly(ign) or Anthony and I am the new Site Developer. I have already made changes to the site and cleaned it up a bit. I own a Graphics Art company that mainly deals with Photo Manipulation.
Here are some updates I hopefully will make by the end of the week:
1. Forum Icons: No Posts, New Posts, Locked Posts, etc.
2. Forum Background: change to a more suitable background.
3. Forum Ranks: post ranks and possibly other stuff.
4. Maybe Hiscores: I have to find out if free domains can allow this.
I will also accept suggestions BUT they have to be legit suggestions. Also, I will be looking for 1-2 other Graphic Designers to possible help me with the Ranks, Icons, Backgrounds, Banners, etc. due to the lack of time I may have in the future. I will post an application within the week as well that must be used to apply.
Thank you and I hope to help this great and unique server rise!