For 99 rc, you'll need roughly 4000 pure essence.
1-20 Air runes ::air
20-35 Water runes ::water
35-45 Chaos runes ::chaos
45-54 Nature runes ::nature
54-65 Law runes ::law
65-75 Death runes ::death
75-99 Blood Runes ::blood
Usually it takes 3 hours of work to get 99 but with these tips it could take 2 hours:
1) Have you camera angled so once you have finished you bank you can single click to the bank.
2) Once you have typed in where you want to go e.g. ::air type it in again while the server is loading to teleport to the altar.
3) When you do angle your camera make sure you can also single click the altar.
4) Always have the mage tab open (ALWAYS) even when banking so you can quick tele home.
5) Click the home tele before you click the altar so while your teleporting your runecrafting at the same time (works 100% of the time if you do it right)
I will add on to this if there are any questions or if there are faster ways.